Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Lucky One

Being a United States Marine isn't all that easy. From boot camp to drills and marching, they are in top mental and physical shape. Nicholas Sparks is one of the most beloved writers of all time. From The Notebook to The Last Song, he is still proving himself as an iconic writer.

The Lucky One, a book about a marine that unexpectedly finds love just by tracking down a girl from a photo. During a tour of duty in Iraq, Logan Thibault, a US marine, is walking through the sands and discovers a photo of a beautiful blonde hair, brown eyed girl. Turning the picture over, he discovers a partial love note that says, "Love you, E." Perplexed by what the girls name could possibly be, he sticks the photo in his pocket and walks the half mile back to base.

Image available at

Meanwhile, in North Carolina, a girl named Elizabeth is at a birthday party for her friends' son. Water gun fights are breaking out and she's breaking a sweat. Ben, her son, is sweating and red in the face. Beth's friend brings out the cake and presents for her son. Unfortunately, Beth and Ben have to leave the party a little early due to the fact that her son has to be at his dads by nine. Beth and Ben's dad had been separated for a while; Beth says it was lust not love.

Logan pulls out the picture while lying in his bunk and a fellow marine notices the picture and smirks. A confused look shoots across Logan's face and he asks, "What is so funny?" The marine says nothing and crawls into his bunk and immediately falls asleep. Guessing name after name, "Ellie, Elaine, Eliza, Ellen," he tires himself out and falls asleep.

Elizabeth and Logan have no idea what will happen in the next six months. Hopefully all goes well right?

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