Friday, September 14, 2012

Current Events 9/18

Throughout this past week, attacks on the US embassy have been happening overseas.

On Wednesday, September 12, 2012, there was an attack on the US embassy that was brought on due to an Anti-Muslim film bashing Muhammad. As soon as word got out, Muslims went straight towards the US embassy overseas and shot and killed the embassator.

Soon after this attack, there was another attack. Muslims came back and killed another ambassator. This time was different though. The Muslims were burning the Us flag and were making riots. After all this, it left two ambassators dead and a nation in shock.

Some say that it was tied to the anniversary of 9/11. Others say it because of Bin Laden's death. I think it had a little to do with both. The filmaaker knew what he was doing when he made he film, but still choes to make it anyway.

America needs to wkae up and realize that our actions are sometimes causing these attacks whether we realize it or not. Yeah we had nothing to do with the fact that Bin Laden was one of the two most wanted men in the world. Or the fact that they did what they did. But we still need to realize that little stupid mistakes like making an Anti-Muslim film can backfire on us as soon as they are seen or heard.

1 comment:

  1. I am inclined to agree that there was at least some guilt on both sides in this scenario.
