Today in class we read an article entitled, Planet Earth Doesn't Know How To Make It Any Clearer It Wants Everyone To Leave. The article was completely satirical and was about Earth talking giving us "hints" as to why it wants us to leave.
In my own personal opinion, we abuse the Earth way to much. We live on Earth and care way less than we honestly should. Living on Earth should not be something that we put to waste, we have recycling bins for a reason people!
If I were to ask people if they recycle, I would be willing to bet that at least 99% would say "no." And you wonder why we can't have nice things everywhere. Before you try to trash Earth, think. My family always says "Think before you act, not act before you think." Truthful words of the wise. Everyone that lives on Earth should at least take one or two extra steps to make sure that Earth is cleaner and healthier.
Recycling, one of the many ways that we can help conserve our planet. Products that are made out of foam, plastic, or cardboard can be put into a bin or trashcan to be disposed of properly. recycling bins are put in shopping malls, grocery stores, convenience stores, and amusement parks, like Carowinds, to make sure that you can dispose of your waste properly.
So the next time you decide to use something made of plastic or foam, make sure you dispose of that item properly. Remember, "Think before you act, not act before you think."